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English translation for "winter area"


Related Translations:
winter challenge:  冬季运动专业版
winter swimmer:  冬泳爱好者
winter quarters:  〔pl.〕【军事】冬营地。
nuclear winter:  核冬天〔指核战争以后全球气温会骤降〕。
winter jet:  冬季飞行用喷嘴冬季用喷咀
winter bentgrass:  冬翦股颖
winter plankton:  冬季浮游生物
winter radish:  冬萝卜
winter storage:  冬季调节水库冬季贮藏
outdoor wintering:  露天越冬
Example Sentences:
1.On construction application about the inverse waterproof roof in hot summer and cold winter area
2.As it is located between the water and land areas , it is the breeding , feeding and over - winter area for water and shore birds
3.( 2 ) attach importance to the conservation of wintering area , keep the balance of wintering population , and reduce the press of preserving the genetic diversity of breeding populations
( 2 )重视越冬地的保护,使越冬种群保持平稳,以减少对各地繁殖种群遗传多样性保持的压力。
4.Taking the aqueous sandy soil in hot summer and warm winter area as a heat transfer medium , studies the influence of seepage on heat transfer characteristics of the soil by a simulating experiment
5.( 3 ) the migrating routes and stopovers between breeding and wintering areas should be brought into the protection programming and ensure the amount of breeding and wintering populations
( 3 )在各个繁殖地和越冬地之间的迁徙通道和中途停留地也应纳入大鸨的保护规划,以保证越冬种群和繁殖种群的数量。
6.The wintering area of spawning population in the middle of wusuli river may be in the part from tongjiang to qindeli ; the wintering group in the part of wusuli river hulin county might be the premature group
7.Abstract : in this paper , the characteristics of residential air - conditioning loads , the main technological ways , different heating & cooling scheme are discussed ; the good future of energy efficiency of buildings in the hot summer and cold winter area is expected as well
8.The 301 - 330bp hypervariable ii - control - region sequence in mitochondrial ( mt ) dna genome from 18 individuals of one subspecies of great bustard ( o . t . dybowskii ) from breeding areas of northwest of songliao plain , southwest of hulunbeier plateau and wintering area of shandong yellow river nature reserve in china were sequenced and population analysis was conducted to assess the level of genetic diversity
本文采集了中国境内松辽平原西北部繁殖地、呼伦贝尔高原西南部繁殖地及山东黄河三角洲自然保护区等地区大鸨东方亚种( o . tdybowskii ) 18个个体,对线粒体dna控制区高变区的部分序列进行了测定和群体分析,以评价当前中国境内的东方亚种的遗传多样性水平。
9.On the basis of investigations and field experiments , the author thinks it is necessary to improve indoor physical environment of the ground floor room of residential building , because they are warm and humid in summer in cold area as same as warm summer and cold winter area . only the lasting time is short . so that designers should pay attention to humid and warm environment of ground floor room
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